Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Started Training

Woke up this morning in bed with my alarm clock. Apparently I had shut if off in my sleep. I had had it set for my usual 4:50am wake up call, but my body apparently said, “No way,” and I slept until 6:43. Felt good.

Yesterday was my first commute by bike of the season as I begin training for my upcoming cycling events. In may I am doing the Gran Fondo event for the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure, and at the end of June I am doing the Cape Cod Getaway event for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Yesterday’s ride was ridiculously hard after about a month off the bike, and little three-mile rides before that. I am definitely feeling it today. Weather will prevent me from further training this week, so I’ll work out indoors and keep my eye out for the next good day.

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