Saturday, November 29, 2008


Four days off is a marvelous invention. I approve.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks for the Turkey

Wild turkeys everywhere, in flocks of ten or twenty. Beligerent Tom's attacking shoppers. Bizarre. But this is my town. This is Brookline, Massachusetts.

Electromagnetic Locks: Product Comparison

Electromagnetic Locks: Product Comparison

Friday, November 21, 2008

On the Brink of Disaster: Steps President Obama Could Take

On the Brink of Disaster: Steps President Obama Could Take

Happy Friday

Biked to the train this morning. It was 22 degrees at my house and 15 degrees at work. The train was warm, though.

We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving, and having Friday off. If UPS works, we work. I UPS doesn't work, we stay home. It will be the same for Christmas and New Year's, too, since they both occur on Thursday this year. Nice.

Looking forward to the weekend, too. In general, I like time off.

As the year winds down, I'll be looking at things done and undone. The years pass too fast now. The kids are big and the joints ache. It's what it is. You can only do what you can in the time you're given.